Wednesday, November 25, 2009

Does public relations efforts by superstars like Opera, Angie Jolie etc. turn your stomach?

Do you know or suspect they have media planning sessions with marketing think tanks to come up with campaigns to adopt a child, fund an orphenage, save the enivronment (Bono) and so many other bull scat public relations events to keep their profiles high. It is vital to their bargaining power (money,contracts) so why not? Are mostly all of these charitable angels driven by the same thing. Even male superstqrs. Woud Tom Cruise do such things? Even Bono, or is he just a fruitloop? Everybody is announcing their charitable foundations, even big sports stars. They just don't do it in silence. Even Bill Gates and Warren Buffet seem to have a need to broadcast their donations to ever cycling feast-and-famine in Africa. They get overpopulated and begin starving again. World Hungar charaties kick in and they reverse the cycle. Been seeing those hungry children before tv - they can be found in old archieves of The National Geographic. Malthus explained all that long ago.

Don't like Opera.

Does public relations efforts by superstars like Opera, Angie Jolie etc. turn your stomach?replacement windows

I hate all this hype and production- how many millions of people give to charities ( when they can barely afford to ) and they don't get on the front pages with a cheesy aren't- I- a- brilliant- person grim plastered all over their faces and all the media goes "Ahhhh how sweet."

It's sickening and just a really bad excuse for publicity, ok so someone benefits from it but not as much as they benefit from the publicity they get in return.

Then they start the endless - "I gave and so can you" routine that has kids pleading with their parents to donate because so and so says we should when the parents are still trying to work out how to get the weekly shop done.

Sorry I'm just feeling ranty today.

Does public relations efforts by superstars like Opera, Angie Jolie etc. turn your stomach?windows mail internet explorer

a kid gets adopted and a chance of a good life.....they even inherit a fair whack of mom/dads money for that such a terrible thing?
a money thing.
There are some who try to be anonymous, but for a celebrity to have the privacy to do such is rare. So they have to publicize their lives anyway, including their contributions to society.
Sometimes I think celebrities like to announce their donations to charity, orphanages, adoptions etc. in order to promote awareness about the organization they're donating too. However, I agree that sometimes a lot of them seem to be pulling a big publicity stunt. They don't need to broadcast every single good deed they do to the world..
As a non celebrity in the process of adopting a chinese orphan I get sick to the teeth seeing Angelina and Madonna and the like go "shopping" for their children when lesser mortals (probably with better parenting skills) have to wait up to 5 years.
Bono is a pain in the ****. Sanctimonious twat, he has millions why doesn't him and a few of his 'do gooder' mates who also have millions clear the third world debt themselves??? I mean they go on about to the average joes who are struggling to keep a roof over their heads instead of actually just putting their hands in their pockets themselves.

If they are that bothered they would. And they wouldn't feel the need to make everybody feel bad about not being able to part with the cash.

As for the celebrity adoption, if they wont to make a life better then why, instead of just doing it for the one lucky kid that they decide is pretty enough, don't they help to build schools to educate people out of poverty.
i cant abide angelina and her so called rainbow family. i also cant sting, bono,oprah.
We should do charitable work quietly and without publicity. Wait a minute these people are putting their own cash in and using their own fortune perhaps on the lines *Nobles oblige. "

This may persuade others to do something similar and whilst I am a little uneasy about show business adoptions at least one child gets a better chance in life than it might. I have engaged in local voluntary work for a good part of my life and whilst it has often been expensive and reward is not expected, when I look back I am surprised at how much I have gained by it certainly not financially but in other small but wonderful ways. Befor anyone starts I am not holier than thou.
Well i congratulate the silent few,but i really cant stand a millionaire flying around the world to appeal to us for our few bob,especially when there trip is paid for by the charity they represent.They do it purely to boost there own ego,s which are far to inflated in the first place

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